Sunday, 7 November 2010

Met my sister

Yesterday, I went off to Kuala Lumpur to meet my sisters. It's been a long time since I last saw her. Not a year though, but it seemed years.

   Kuala Lumpur isn't that busy last Friday because it was Deepavali. A celebration celebrated by Hindus and in Malaysia it is a Public Holiday. So, I guess many citizens chose to stay back home and another half must have been in the hypermarkets busying themselves.

   My sister served lots of food and it was really a temptation for a diabetic me. Fortunately she understands and I managed to stick to my not that strict diet. But mind you. I  will never say no to curry. My favourite food!

   While in Kuala Lumpur, I managed to take some snapshots for your eyes. Hope you'll like it.




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